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How long do fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi etc.) last once opened?

Fermentation is a food preservation method.  Ideally, fermented vegetables should be consumed within 7-14 days of opening but can last much longer if you observe the following: 1. Never eat out of the jar.  2. Use a clean (preferably sterile) utensil to remove your serving from the jar. 3. Use a clean (preferably sterile) tablespoon to press down the fermented vegetables until they are submerged in their juices.  If your liquid is low, add some filtered water. 

Sometimes my fermented vegetables hiss and bubble when I open the jar.  Are they safe to consume?

The hissing and bubbling is a sign that the ferment is live.  It happens mostly during spring and early summer when the bacteria are particularly active.  Open the jar carefully and press down with a clean (preferably sterile) tablespoon until all the fermentation gases have been released.

Will freezing harm fermented vegetables?

Fermented vegetables can be stored in the freezer but it is not recommended. They will soften upon thawing and lose their signature crunch.

Will cooking damage my ferments?

Heating ferments foods to cooking temperatures will damage the beneficial bacteria.

Does rinsing sauerkraut reduce probiotics?

Rinsing sauerkraut washes away much of the live cultures and probiotics. While some may be left, you greatly reduce the health benefits of sauerkraut by rinsing it.

 Are there any side effects of eating sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables?

When you start eating fermented foods, it’s important to start off slowly. If you eat too much sauerkraut or other fermented foods you may become gassy and bloated and could get diarrhoea or loose stools.

How much should I eat/drink?

Always start slowly, especially if you know that your gut is sensitive.  Ideally, work together with a medical practitioner.  

Fermented vegetables: We recommend no more than a teaspoon of fermented vegetables to start with.  You can build it up from there to 3 – 6 servings per day.  

Kombucha and water kefir: are not intended to be substitutes for drinking water.  We recommend no more than a tot 2-3 times per day.  It is far more beneficial to consume small quantities frequently than to ‘down’ a whole bottle once a week.

Beet kvass: is a potent liver detox.  Again, we recommend starting with no more than a tot per day and then building up to a maximum of 2-3 tots.

What is the difference between kombucha and water kefir?

Kombucha and water kefir are made with different cultures.  Both cultures are symbiotic colonies of bacteria and yeast.  Kombucha is made with tea and sugar, whereas water kefir can be made with a variety of ingredients.  The most common are water and sugar and coconut water but it is also possible to ferment coconut milk, nut milk, rice milk and soya milk with the water kefir culture.  Both beverages are great for hydration.  Depending on your needs, consuming one or both is a matter of individual taste.

 What are the strange-looking strands that form in kombucha?

These brown stringy particles are harmless yeasts.  They are a natural by-product of the fermentation process.  You can strain them out of the kombucha if you prefer.

My kombucha is forming a jelly-like mass on top.  Is this normal?

The jelly-like mass is the beginning of a new kombucha culture.  Even after the main kombucha culture is removed, the kombucha remains full of living yeasts and bacteria which continue to ferment slowly on their own.  As a result, idle kombucha will eventually form a new baby culture.

 Is there a danger of the glass container exploding under the pressure of carbonation?

While it is possible for bottles to explode, it is more common for lids to fly off, particularly when being opened.  The key is to keep the bottle as cold as possible to minimize fizz, and to let it rest for at least an hour after transit.  Dishcloth in hand, cover the top of the bottle, and carefully pop open the bottle while keeping it shielded. If a little surprise escape occurs, the towel will catch the overflow and save you from a sticky mess. Perform over a bowl for maximum spillage containment.

Does kombucha contain alcohol?

Yes, as with all cultured and fermented foods, a small amount of naturally occurring alcohol is typically present in the finished product.  Although the amount contained in kombucha will vary from batch to batch, the amount is too small for the kombucha to be considered an alcoholic beverage.  We took our kombucha to the laboratory for testing to ensure that the alcohol levels were well below the threshold at which they would qualify as liquor.

 What is the difference between milk and water kefir?

Water and milk kefir are made with different cultures.  Both cultures are symbiotic colonies of bacteria and yeasts.  

Why does a white film form on top of beet kvass and other ferments?  Do I need to discard them?

The white film on top of kvass is Kahm yeast.  It is harmless but can be skimmed off using a cheesecloth if desired.